Why We Exist

Nepal continues to face several socio-economic and development related problems such as disaster, corruption, unemployment, health hazards, climate change effects, and overpopulation, even after the end of armed conflict in the country after 2006. However, there are significant changes that occurred in the field of information and communication sectors increasing access to information towards maximum numbers of grass-root people communities of Nepal.

After the promulgation of a new constitution in the country in 2015 and subsequent election to implement the federal structures, Nepal has a stable government in the Centre and provinces after a long time to fulfill the panacea of the overall development. Thus, the media can play a catalytic role in promoting development communication. In line with national and global development priorities like sustainable development goal (SDG) and national action plans, Mogul Media aims to contribute to raising awareness on developmental issues through mass media mobilization to supplement the government initiatives for development. We believe that mass media has energy, creativity, and a will to do things differently in a lifetime. Media can influence the development of the countries and communities and with the right guidance and support can bringing a positive change in the future.

About Us

Mogul Media is a privately owned media firm, registered in the Office of Company Registrar, Kathmandu, Nepal in October 2016 under the Company Registration Act – 2006. It aims to support the process of national development through media-related activities. The owners of the agency are diverse and dynamic media professionals who have been contributing to the media sector for a decade. We serve the prospective clients cheerfully being stationed in Kathmandu and provide services in all parts of the country. We ensure that a marketing message appeals to consumers; appears in the right place and time paying the best possible price.

Our Value

We: ‘FEEL’ the voices of the voiceless, – ‘HEAR’ the feeling to internalize, – ‘ACT’ to convert the feeling into actions through media means – ‘ADVOCATE’ the actions for result-oriented solutions.

Our Approach

We follow a progressive and positive approach to the development communication sector. For which, we partner with different government agencies, media (print, broadcasting, online and new media), developmental partners including national and international, private sectors and communities to raise prevalent development issues through research and different media consultancy services. We are well aware of the part of domesticating the SDGs as it has envisioned major importance to perform media advocacy to intervene in different social, economic, development, and political issues.

We focus the major interventions through research/training, workshop/seminar /programs/events organization, production and dissemination of audiovisual materials (television/radio PSA/program, report, documentary, drama, etc.) papers, journals and articles through print media with different partners in health, education, livelihoods, protection, environment, disaster management, and human rights like thematic areas.

We also apply the approach of developing advocacy materials on prevalent issues in the form of Information, Education and Communication (IEC), Behavior Change Communication (BCC); further lobby and partner with different developmental organizations to perform media advocacy for result-oriented activities.

Our Achievements

Though the team members of the media agency have previously demonstrated outstanding performances as service providers to different clients in the field of specialization in a personal basis, some of the major achievements accomplished under the banner of the agency during the 5 years are:

  • 270 plus episodes of the TV program “Hamro Aviyan” produced and broadcasted via NTV News HD Channel, in association with different national & international agencies.
  • 8 Episodes of the TV Program “Sajhedari Bahas” produce & broadcast via NTV-News in association with DCA/Practical Action/Build-up Nepal.
  • 7 Episodes of TV Program “Udhyami Haatharu” produce & broadcasted via Avenues TV in association with Care Nepal
  • 500 plus TV report production on SDGs themes and broadcasted.
  • 122 plus audiovisual documentary production and broadcasting.
  • 55 plus Audiovisual PSA/Radio Jingle production broadcasting.
  • 19 book design & printing coordination.
  • 30 plus advertisements publication coordination in the national broadsheet daily newspaper.
  • Theatre event organized by involving professional theatre artists in Kathmandu.

Our Partners and Clients

The major partners are: AIDS Healthcare Foundation Nepal, UNDP,  Islamic Relief Sweden, The Mountain Institute, TDH-Germany, Raleigh International Nepal, ACF Nepal, Care Nepal, American Embassy of Nepal, BRAC International, Practical Action, Christian Aid Nepal, Mercy Corp, Social Science Baha/ASD, World Vision International Nepal, APEIRON, DCA, WHO, GIZ, Benjamin Foundation/Save the Environment Nepal, REED Nepal, The Child Rescue Nepal,  Build-Up, NAP+N, CCM, NCASC, NHEICC, Mero FM 93.5 Mhz including numerous national and international development agencies.


The core media team that comprises; managing director, executive producer, creative director, cinematographer, animator, graphic designer, accountant, and documentation specialist who have specialization in their respective field of media production and mobilization. Additionally, we have maintained a pool of experts ranging from theater, health, disaster, WASH/sanitation to youth mobilization in the development sector. To accomplish the assignment, we have been providing opportunities to youth as internship opportunities and field mobilization.

Our Team

Sanjeev Mishra

Executive Producer

Ashok Bhandari

Managing Director

Narendra Saud

Documentation and Reporting Manager

Badri Sapkota

Finance Manager

Manish Shrestha

Animation, Graphic and Visual Editor

Janvi Subedi


Puskar Adhikari

Camera Person

Elisha Sharma


Arjun Neupane

Script Writer

Kiran Adhikari

Radio Program Prouducer

Madan Khadka

PSA Director